1 #ifndef ENCRYPTDIALOG_H 2 #define ENCRYPTDIALOG_H 10 #include "../model/qaesencryption.h" 11 #include <QCryptographicHash> 26 explicit EncryptDialog(QByteArray _data, QWidget *parent = 0);
30 void on_fileButton_clicked();
32 void on_buttonBox_accepted();
34 void on_buttonBox_rejected();
36 void on_bitsSlider_valueChanged(
int value);
82 Ui::EncryptDialog *ui;
83 void alert(QString text);
86 #endif // ENCRYPTDIALOG_H bool success
success Flag, if image was successfully selected and data was encrypted.
QByteArray data
data Input data
QImage image
image Inputted image
bool goodPercentage
goodPercentage Flag if area of the used data via encryption is less than 70% of the area of the image...
long long int size
size Size of the image in square pixels
The EncryptDialog class Class to get the image and key to store secret info.
int val
val Value of the slider
int bitsUsed
bitsUsed Bits used per byte of pixel.
QString key
key Key to be used for encryption in EncrytDialog::zip
QByteArray compr_data
compr_data Compressed data, aka Output data.
QString inputFileName
inputFileName Filename of the image.